Thursday, February 22, 2007

Hero #4

My fourth hero is a man who is flamboyant, has impersonated the Devil, wears sunglasses at night, morning and just about everywhere else. If you guessed Paul Hewson then you're absolutely right. Ok so his stage name is Bono for those of you who dont know. Bono the frontman for U2 and a human rights activist has been on fire as of the past couple of years. From performing in front of sold out audiences to bugging the President to work harder on foreign aid and debt in third world countries. Bono is an inspiration to me not just for his musical prowress but his passion for helping others less fortunate then himself.

Hero #4

My fourth hero is a man who is flamboyant, has impersonated the Devil, wears sunglasses at night, morning and just about everywhere else. If you guessed Paul Hewson then you're absolutely right. Ok so his stage name is Bono for those of you who dont know. Bono the frontman for U2 and a human rights activist has been on fire as of the past couple of years. From performing in front of sold out audiences to bugging the President to work harder on foreign aid and debt in third world countries. Bono is an inspiration to me not just for his musical prowress but his passion for helping others less fortunate then himself.

Hero #4

My fourth hero is a man who is flamboyant, has impersonated the Devil, wears sunglasses at night, morning and just about everywhere else. If you guessed Paul Hewson then you're absolutely right. Ok so his stage name is Bono for those of you who dont know. Bono the frontman for U2 and a human rights activist has been on fire as of the past couple of years. From performing in front of sold out audiences to bugging the President to work harder on foreign aid and debt in third world countries. Bono is an inspiration to me not just for his musical prowress but his passion for helping others less fortunate then himself.

Wednesday, February 21, 2007

Hero #3

My third hero is probably going to come with a lot of 'sighs' and 'yeah rights' but nevertheless my third hero is this years SuperBowl Champion and MVP Peyton Manning.

Peyton has been the object of nearly every criticizer in the NFL for a good long time. "Can't win the big one" was what haunted the man for the entireity of his illustrious career. 7 times he was ousted in the playoffs after having led his Indianapolis Colts to division titles, first round byes, amazing records, etc and yet the SuperBowl has always eluded him.

This year thankfully the monkey is off his back as he led his Colts past the Chiefs, Ravens, Patriots<---------they are horrible by the way...and da Chicago Bears. It was an awesome feeling seeing Archies Boy hold up the Vince Lombardi Trophy on SuperBowl Sunday and good to see his coach Tony Dungy win the big one as well. *First black coach to do so. Anyways, Manning is no longer the object of criticism, time for new blood, my bet is it'll be either Tony Romo or Rex Grossman-----now he really sucks. Peyton Manning is one of my heros because of his headstrong mental capacity to not buckle down to the critics, the playoff losses and remain his poise. He's a prime example that patience and hard work pays off, maybe not when we want it but nevertheless it does. Go Peyton!!

Monday, February 12, 2007

Hero #2

First off I apologize to all you crazy people who feel it necessary to blog every day. I for one refuse to be a drone to the blogging world and hope one day everyone feels the same.

Anyhoo, my second hero is King Leonidas of Sparta. Many of you are probably scratching your heads saying who the hay is this guy. Well in 480 BCE Sparta was invaded by the supremely powerful Persian Empire. The Persians basically ripped to pieces the Spartan Empire. Cut off from all routes save one, the Spartan civilians had to rely on one last defence, the narrow pass of Thermopalaye. To defend this pass from the Persian army, King Leonidas sent 300 of his best men including himself to this pass, to secure it and enable his people to escape the oncoming Persian onslaught. Obviously a suicidal mission, Leonidas fought valiantly against the Persian army of....get this...1 million men! Valiant fighting was not enough and every Spartan defender on the field, died after only a few days of fighting.

Leonidas was a hero that day and in the face of impending doom managed to secure the lives of thousands of his people. I don't know about you guys but this guy puts the Man in He's the man.

If you want to see this amazing story on screen go see the upcoming movie "300" in March. It's going to be epic!!!!



Saturday, February 3, 2007


Dats right ladies and gents. After months of waiting and preperation the game that I have longed for is in my sights. I cant wait

I gotta go now the bus is coming.

