Sunday, March 25, 2007

5 things about me

Well taking Jonathans command, I will say a few things about me that most of you might know and may not know. They are all true for some of you who may doubt me.

1-I love to dance, last year I was taking a series of classes where I learned how to Waltz, Jive, Salsa (my favorite), Marangue, (pronounced Ma-rain-gay) and Classical Dance. Let me tell you if theres ever an oppurtunity to dance I will do it.

2-I too played with LEGO, but a lot longer than Briggins did. It wasn't till 2 years ago that I stopped playing with it. Ask my family, I used to create war scenes and battle diagrams with my lego armies and have fierce fights. I stopped playing with it when my now sister Ruth came to live with us and the room I played in became a new bedroom for Matt and Sean.

3-I want a sword, always have, always will. Not the dinky dollar store ones, but an actual, real, heavy sword. Preferably the kind you see Aragorn wield in Lord of the Rings. A Japanese katana would be sweet too. **I want it to hold, never to use...unless I was called into war.

4-I have Dart Tournaments in my room, by myself. I create imaginary players with all unique names and throwing abilities and have a good long tournament. I have sheets to prove it. Currently Almasy Reindlich is the reigning champion and Jors Saldan is in second.

5-Ping Pong, Football, Baseball, Basketball and Volleyball are my favorite sports. Soccer and me just don't work out and If you ever see me play you'll know why. I am very worried that my fellow staff members at Malagash won't shun me for this in the staff-camper soccer game.



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